
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Needs Paint.

If I started at the beginning, I’d be six years tardy to the party. And I have never even seen one episode of Housewives, so I might be tardy to that, too. And I have no desire to rectify that. None.
In any case, since buying this house roughly six years ago, I have painted and decorated and re-painted, and re-decorated (and re-painted, and re-decorated, and… ok, you get the point), and every time I share a new project I’ve recently completed with friends, I think, Gosh, I need a blog. So, hello, Blog.   
I will be the first to admit that I might have a problem.  Maybe. I like to paint. Wait, I take that back. I don’t love the labor of painting, but I do love change. And since I can hardly afford to buy a new house or furniture every six months, I paint. In fact, I believe I may have painted every room in this house at least 3 times. (And let’s not even get started on the furniture.) Ok, so I do have a problem. But that’s ok. I have no desire to rectify that either. I’ll just share my insanity with the world because insanity is not meant to be contained... (Wait, is that what those padded walls are for…nope, none of those in my house—I’m good to go).
My most recent bout of insanity was inspired by another blog, Layers of Meaning. Maria’s home has a fabulous feature that I. Just. Had. To. Have. In. My. Home.  Stripes! But not just any Stripes-Chevron Stripes. Now, I am the first to admit that I have many problems. Painting is one of them. My addiction to all things stripes is another. And I’m ok with that. I also had the perfect wall to paint.

When I bought this house, I knew I would have a lot of fixing up to do. A lot.  One of the rooms that desperately needs a complete overhaul is my kitchen.  Here is my kitchen on the day I first toured the house:

Yes, it needed a lot of work. Still does actually, and I’ll be tackling it in phases. But the point of this long ramble is the wall. See the wall there, behind the weird counter/drawer combo?  Yes, that one. It needed something.
Stripes. Or more specifically: Chevrons.
The stripes are so delicious I want to squeal every time I see them. They also put everything else in that kitchen to shame. In fact, those cabinets look far too brown. I think they need something.


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