
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Takes Two to Assemble

Quite a few months ago I ordered a coffee table off Joss and Main. I knew Christmas was coming but it was such a super-cheap price that I couldn't resist.I had been looking for months for a bricklayer style coffee-table, and most models were upwards of $300. This one was half that price, so after a couple of days of agonizing over buying furniture sight-unseen, I leaped.  It took quite a while to get here... in fact, I almost forgot I ordered it.  Since I bought it to replace my badly scratched up coffee table upstairs, I left it in the box for awhile. I figured why assemble and then have to move it? It made much more sense to assemble upstairs and not have to move it. So in the box it stayed.

Where it tripped me, repeatedly, every time I came downstairs. And the box taunted me silently. "Open me, open me."

So, I did. I opened that box and skimmed the instructions. "Takes two to assemble."  I eyeballed Peyton and then gave up. I didn't think "takes two to assemble" included a 6-year-old. So I left it in the box again. But there it sat, silently taunting me every day. "Open me, open me."  And at about the 100th time I stubbed my toe on the box, I caved. I opened that puppy up, put on my big-girl pants and set about assembling it.

One smashed finger and a very sore thumb later.... Ta-dah!

Ignore the mess... and the ugly purple carpet.... I have a plan for that. (The carpet, not the mess. The mess seems to follow Peyton wherever she may go...)

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