
Sunday, June 2, 2013

In Progress

I've been working on a few projects this past week that aren't quite post-ready yet, but lest you think all I did on my PTO was sit on the couch, read magazines and eat bon-bons (you'd be half right..), here are some teaser shots of what I've been up to:

And, so you don't think I spent the entire time working on projects and ignoring my girl, here is what else we got up to over the past week.

Peyton went swimming almost every day. Even in 70-degree weather and sprinkles. Thank goodness my parent's pool is heated or I'd have heard her whining the whole week about wanting to swim. She got in lots of pool time which makes her one happy fish--err, girl.   

We both got haircuts. I think we both lost about 5 or 6 inches each. And in Peyton's picture, you can see the mess in the background--when she wasn't swimming the girl was a tornado through the house. With her short hair, my little girl seems so much more lady-like and less bohemian. She is, as you can see, tickled pink with her new do. 

She also got in lots of playing time with the neighborhood girls who live across the street from us. While she was doing that, I was alternating between catching up on my magazines, working on my projects and cuddling with the Boo.

Overall, it was a really nice break from work, and I'll be a little sad to go back to work on Monday. Anyone else out there think this puppy is the cutest thing ever and you could just squish him up?! But. don't. Squish him that is. That wouldn't be good at all.

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