
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Holiday Gift Guide for the Glamorous Decorator

I owe you a post of the weekend update and what I've gotten up to, but I just haven't had time! I started staining my deck on Sunday (remember, Master Procrastinator-that is me!) and didn't finish (it's a HUGE deck), so yesterday I left work a couple hours early to try to beat the rain and do more of the deck. I finished the main floorboards and steps but now I still have all of the railings and the bottom latticework to do. Such. a. pain. So that is why the radio silence the last couple of days.

In the meantime, until I can get an update and some pictures for you--did you know Christmas is only a few months away?! Just the other day at Walmart, standing in the checkout line, Peyton and I saw a magazine that featured Halloween, another magazine right beside it that featured Thanksgiving, and below... da da dah! A magazine that featured Christmas. Way to really savor each holiday, magazine folks.

In any case,  I have family members asking me for my Christmas lists, so I have been scouting around online for inspiration. I thought I would kick off this week with a Holiday Gift Guide for the Glamorous Decorator. I have that faux fur blanket (so soft) and whoops, this past weekend I might have hit Target and bought those marble trays. Such a steal! I still need to find them a home. Happy Shopping!

Holiday Gift Guide for the Glamorous Decorator

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